Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Who is 888?

Come to think about it. . . .

In the Greek language, the numerical value for the name Jesus is 888, and most of the names or titles of our Lord are also multiples of 8.

The Greek Alphabet and the corresponding numbers:

Alpha = 1
Beta = 2
Gamma = 3
Delta = 4
Epsilon = 5
Zeta = 7
Eta = 8
Theta = 9
Iota = 10
Kappa = 20
Lambda = 30
Mu = 40
Nu = 50
Xi = 60
Omicron = 70
Pi = 80
Rho = 100
Sigma = 200
Tau = 300
Upsilon = 400
Phi = 500
Chi = 600
Psi = 700
Omega = 800

Iota = 10
Eta = 8
Sigma = 200
Omicron = 70
Upsilon = 400
Sigma = 200
Total = 888

Analysis: It is interesting that Jesus totals 888=111x8

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