Monday, December 01, 2008

Sad again this Christmas?

Parol 2 Pictures, Images and Photos
Baubles, tinsel, snowmen, belen, christmas trees, colored lights, fooods, lechon and the lots carols in the air sung by kids and oyung at hearts, wherever you are in the world, there is no getting away from Christmas.

But why is it such a universal festival?

And what does it mean to me?

Twenty-two days from now, it's Christmas time once more and for me:

Christmas is the saddest time of the year. It is cold, and everyone's trying to get some heat to their hearts, but very few can actually do it.

For many, it is a time to be spent with friends and relatives, to put as much food and drinks as possible within their already full-filled stomachs.

But for most, it is only a time of recapitulation, of remembrance of how much things we wanted to do and we couldn't, of how much love we wanted to give and receive and we gave it not and received it not.

For me, it is a time of silence and loneliness, of tears that get frozen in their way out, of painful screams that never can go out because they would sound too much horrible and perturbing to the society that commands one to smile always, no matter how much one is suffering, no matter how much cold one is, no matter how much pain is within one's heart.

It is also a time of expectation, of hope about redemption, understanding and love that will never be; a time of despair.

While for others, it is a time to ran into the stores to buy some happiness and to wait for presents that would hopefully give them a bit of that happiness they need, for me is the saddest and more painful time of the year, never in my life that I was so HAPPY DURING Christmas.

Though, I do not lost hope . . . I hope this year will be a different one for me.

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